In the yard, the husband erected a shed in secret and kept no one out.

All of Charles Evans’ (82-year-old) pals call him LaLa. He claims that he can still clearly recall his first glance at Louise, his future wife. It was clearly love at first sight, he adds with a smile. LaLa was, however, crushed when Louise died away, but she used her sorrow to fuel the creation of something magnificent and extraordinary. Behind the yard, a museum, where he and his wife spent 59 beautiful years together.

The walls of the museum are covered with hundreds, maybe thousands, of photographs that LaLa and her family and they have taken over the years, filling it with memories. LaLa admits: “We even discussed creating a museum before she passed away in order to house all of these photographs.

Even though I didn’t have the time, I insisted on doing it because the concept had persisted in my mind. I promised myself a few months after her absence that I would make the dream we shared a reality.

LaLa was the one who taught his wife how to dance, and ever since, this pastime has characterized their relationship. The two are seen dancing on the walls of the lovely museum. The photograph shot during their final dance, which he puts right at the entryway, is also said to be the man’s fondest memory.

“Only now do I realize how much beauty there has been in our lives,” LaLa admits. I realize afterward, “WOW, I LIVED!” I’ll dance with everybody who comes to our museum, I guarantee it.

Here is a video clip that provides a closer look at this museum that honors life, love, and beauty:

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