WATCH: Pro-Reparations Sunny Hostin Learns She Descends From Slavers In Hilarious Clip

Sunny Hostin, a prominent supporter of reparations for slavery and co-host of “The View,” made a startling discovery on PBS when she learned that her own ancestors had owned slaves.

Hostin, who was well-known for her unwavering position on reparations for slave descendants, set out to discover her origins and made an unexpected discovery. Hostin was forced to acknowledge that her ancestors were slave owners originally from Spain, not merely Puerto Rico as she had always thought.

“Whoa. I’m still a little shocked, Hostin admitted. Simply put, I’ve always identified as Puerto Rican. Half Puerto Rican, you know. I didn’t believe I was… Originally, my family came from Spain and were slave owners.



“I think it’s actually pretty interesting that my husband and I have shared roots. Yeah, so I do appreciate that. And I think it’s great for our children to know this information.”

“I guess it’s a fact of life that this is how some people made their living on the backs of others,” she remarked.

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