Barbara Streisand Claims That Donald Trump Will Destroy Democracy If Elected

Barbara Streisand is back at it, complaining about Donald Trump and telling her few remaining fans about the plans that she has if he is elected president. After causing a stir by saying that she would leave the country if Donald were to win in 2024, Streisand is now saying that a Trump victory would mark the end of democracy in America as we know it.

Streisand took to X to share her wild opinion, which is a fitting place for her to spout off with her ridiculous take. Elon Musk made sure that his users are able to say almost any type of opinion and then duke it out in the court of public opinion. Streisand tried to do exactly that, and she is not winning the battle for hearts and minds.

Streisand wrote, “Donald Trump was found by a federal judge to have orchestrated an insurrection. He watched as the chaos and violence ensued and did nothing to stop it. He still lies about the election results and if he gets re-elected he will destroy our democracy.”

Now the first claim in there has been asked over for years now and there is not need to once again discuss the merit of the constant attacks against Donald Trump regarding the January 6th protests. That tired game has run its course and dragged on far too long.

One quick look into the comments below the post show that she is wildly out of touch with those who posted the most popular and upvoted comments.

I’ve always admired your voice and grew up listening to your songs, said a funny and insightful commenter. But now that you have utilized your celebrity to disseminate your falsehoods, I find it impossible to listen to your music. How disheartening. Anything with your name on it will never see my money again.

When Streisand declared that she would be leaving the United States of America should Donald Trump win back the White House, she also found herself at the center of unfavorable attention—possibly the intended outcome.

The bizarre opinion of Streisand, who also asserted that she believes Joe Biden is doing an excellent job leading the nation, was covered by the American Tribune.

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