A Shy man can barely say his name onstage, when he opens his mouth? He shocks everyone!

You are entirely correct. Humans naturally react nervously, stressed out, or anxiously in a variety of scenarios. Almost everyone has gone through it at some point in their lives.

These emotions can surface prior to a public speaking engagement, a significant exam, a job interview, or any other circumstance that forces us to step outside of our comfort zone.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that worry and anxiety can be beneficial in certain situations, as they can spur us on to better preparation and performance. But, it can be required to come up with coping mechanisms when these emotions get too strong and interfere with our capacity to carry out daily tasks. This can involve methods such as deep breathing,

practicing mindfulness or asking friends, family, or experts for assistance. It’s also critical to keep in mind that many other individuals can identify with your experiences of fear and anxiety in particular circumstances, so you’re not the only one going through these things.

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