A sign after a dog is hit by a car makes the entire neighborhood talk

When a man’s dog was accidentally killed by a speeding car in his neighborhood, his entire world turned upside down. He posted a sign in his yard warning drivers not to drive too fast through the area in the hopes that it could avert any such tragedies. We had to bury our dog the week before because we wouldn’t slow down, according to the placard. Your family may execute you if you do anything to harm even one of my kids.

After the poster photo was posted to Reddit, it instantly gained enormous popularity. The man’s candidness regarding the safety of residential communities elicited an overwhelming positive response from the readership. Furthermore, they focused their ire on the careless drivers who speed through residential areas, endangering the lives of kids and animals.

Nevertheless, several readers of the post expressed disapproval towards the dog’s owners for not leash-training their pet or keeping it confined to a gated yard. They contended that drivers who could be traveling too fast through residential areas had no ultimate responsibility for the protection of children and pets, but rather the owners of those animals.

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