Never make a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers together.

You should eat natural fruits and veggies because they are healthy, but you might not know that certain of them shouldn’t be mixed together. Consider the examples of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are both healthy for us. They are both rich in water, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. However, you shouldn’t use them both at once! According to Ayurveda, we should consider an ingredient’s specific digestion time before selecting it for a salad.

It is not a good idea to combine veggies with different digesting rates since the lighter element will pass through the colon before the slower-digesting item is fully processed. Food will begin to ferment in the stomach as a result, possibly polluting other parts of the body. Moreover, it will hinder the breakdown and fermentation of carbohydrates and sugars, which will keep you from fully appreciating your meal.

Fermentation-related gas, bloating, and stomach pain will only exacerbate the situation.

Beyond only matching tomatoes and cucumbers, there are more foods that you should never try. Let’s investigate this:

Fruits should never be eaten just after a meal because they are difficult to digest and shouldn’t be held in the stomach for very long. If you consume them immediately after a meal, you increase your risk of having acid reflux and other digestive issues.

Meat and cheese: Try to eat no more than one type of protein per meal and try to restrict the amount of protein you eat at once.
Macaroni and cheese, as well as macaroni and meat, are common dishes, but they shouldn’t be mixed since they are high in carbohydrates, which digest more slowly than protein and might cause fermentation and other digestive problems.

Cheese and vegetables: Eating cheese and vegetables together simply increases the risk of bloating.
Owing to the high acidity needed for digestion, consuming orange juice with bread or noodles may harm the enzyme that breaks down starch.
Watermelon and melons are best eaten on their own; never combined with other fruits.

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