A dog bandoned trash heap,reeking and swarmed by flies, han an amazing transformation after rescued

The first encounter with the dog was next to the garbage, barely breathing and lying on the ground, surrounded by flies. Its whole body emitted a foul stench, and volunteers quickly discovered that its eyes were gummed up with pus. Rushed to the hospital, the doctor skillfully cleared the pus, fortunately finding that the eyes were not injured. The sight of the dog’s eyes with tears reflected its desperate condition at that moment.

After shaving off its dirty and messy hair, a skinny body was revealed. Despite being free from infectious diseases, the dog was severely malnourished, weighing less than 6 pounds. The volunteers named it Gourd, hoping for its recovery. Although survival seemed uncertain, Gourd showed a strong appetite, indicating a high chance of pulling through.

The following day, Gourd’s state of mind improved significantly. It was treated to its favorite, chicken breast, and its eagerness to eat was evident as it could no longer stand but had to lie down to eat. Even after finishing the meal, Gourd seemed to be in a better mood. The doctor applied medicine to its wounds, and although painful, Gourd endured silently. Its appetite continued to improve, and it even dreamed of eating.

By the third day, Gourd could already raise its head, and its eagerness for food persisted. Despite its previous state of extreme hunger, Gourd’s resilience and improving condition offered hope for a brighter future.

Observing the dog, who is only 5 months old, it’s baffling why anyone could be so cruel as to abandon it in the garbage. Its eyes are perpetually blurred with tears, yet the resilient pup endures the pain without uttering a word, displaying an incredible level of sensitivity and heartwarming spirit. The volunteers offer reassurance, telling the baby dog not to worry as the days ahead are bound to get better after enduring some bitterness.

On the fourth day, the volunteers return to the hospital to check on the dog. Prepared with delicious food, they are surprised to find that the dog can actually sit up now. The pup eagerly inhales the food in big mouthfuls, a testament to its improving strength and the positive impact of the care it has received. The resilience and progress of this young dog serve as a source of inspiration and hope for better days ahead.

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